- Step 1: Convert ODP to PPT quickly
- Step 2: Submit the ODP files by clicking 'Convert'
- Step 3: You will be directed to the download page

Free ODP to PPT Converter
Our converter allows you to convert any ODP file to PPT by clicking 'convert.'

Make PPT Presentations out of ODPs
Our online ODP Converter helps you convert your ODP to a PPT presentation to visualize your message effectively.

Free of any charges
We are the ultimate solution for performing a free conversion of your ODP to a PPT presentation. Yes, it is 100% free—no hidden charges.

The ODP Format
It is a non-proprietary document format created by Sun Microsystems to answer the ever-rising demand for free office applications. ODP is XML based and portable; hence, many products can use this format to save documents. This format also requires only minimal changes when switching from one product to another.

The PPT Format
PowerPoint is a presentation file format developed by Microsoft for Windows and Macintosh. The PPT extension is the most widely used format for creating and storing presentations. The Microsoft PowerPoint software application is designed with rich graphics and formatting options to create attractive presentations that convey your message.

Privacy Protection
We respect your privacy because we operate on strong ethical principles. Your file is deleted automatically from our servers immediately after the conversion.