• Step 1: To get started with converting CBR to PDF simply submit CBR ebook you want to convert to the uploader at the right. As soon as the upload is complete the conversion will start automatically.
  • Step 2: The ebook conversion from CBR to PDF will start automatically and will be complete within just a few seconds.
  • Step 3: Click the download button to download the result for free.

You can upload up to 20 ebooks simultaneously.



What is a CBR File?

A CBR file is a digital comic book file that has been compressed into the CBR format. It is similar to a CBZ file, which is another type of digital comic book file, but CBR files are compressed using the RAR file compression algorithm rather than the ZIP file compression algorithm. CBR files can be opened and read using a variety of software programs, including ComicRack, CDisplayEx, and MComix. They are often used as a way to store and share digital copies of comic books.

Illustration: Converting CBR to PDF