- Step 1: To get started with converting PRC to MOBI simply submit PRC ebook you want to convert to the uploader at the right. As soon as the upload is complete the conversion will start automatically.
- Step 2: Wait a moment while your MOBI output is created.
- Step 3: Click the download button to download the result for free.
You can upload up to 20 ebooks simultaneously.
PRC and MOBI - What is the difference?
PRC is not a replacement for the MOBI file format. Both PRC and MOBI are ebook formats developed by Amazon for use on mobile devices. PRC stands for "Palm Resource Compiler" and is a file format that was originally used for Palm OS devices. MOBI stands for "Mobipocket" and is a file format that was specifically designed for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and e-readers.
The MOBI format is based on the PRC format, but it includes additional features such as support for more advanced formatting and layout options, as well as support for DRM protection. MOBI files can be opened using the Mobipocket Reader software or other ebook readers that support the MOBI format.
So in summary, PRC is an older ebook format that was primarily used on Palm OS devices, while MOBI is a newer format that was developed specifically for use on mobile devices and has more advanced features.