PDF to Word Converter

  • Step 1: Submit the PDF file you want to convert to Word to the upload box at the left.
  • Step 2: The conversion from PDF to Word starts automatically.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to the download page, where you can download your word file in the DOCX format for free.

PDF 2 Word


Convert your PDF to a Word document

By submitting your PDF to the upload box, our online converter helps you convert the file to a Word document easily.

Free conversion of any file

Unlike other converter apps that have premium services, we give users the access to convert their PDF to Word for free. No hidden fees.

Make Word Documents out of PDFs

With our online PDF converter, you can turn your PDF into a Word file so that you can make those necessary edits.

High Word Document Quality

Users love a high-quality word document that is 100% editable; hence, we adopt amazing servers that ensure the delivery of a top-notch Word file. All files from our converter are editable with Microsoft Word and LibreOffice

Member of Converter App

We are proudly a member of Converter App – a unique online converter tool for files, units, and currencies.

Privacy Protection

Users tend to avoid online converters because of their details. For this reason, we ensure your document is automatically erased from our server immediately after conversion.

Features of our PDF to Word converter

Our PDF to Word converter retains the original layout of the converted file. For example, If your PDF has pictures, diagrams, or tables, they appear the same way on the Word document.

Also, if you need to get rid of unnecessary images and pages in the PDF, before exporting it to Word, our toolkit allows you to modify the content in the easiest and fastest way. In that case, use our PDF Editor.

This online tool also has an appealing user interface that presents text characters in an attractive form, contributing to the user experience.

Do you want to convert a multi-page PDF document in 2 minutes or less? Our PDF to Word converter does just that without wasting your time. Want to convert PDFs to other formats than Word? Try this: PDF Converter

OCR – Optical Character Recognition

OCR is a technique or method for detecting handwritten or printed text characters inside digital images. Hence, our free online converter app performs OCR that helps you. The good news is that our converter includes this technology. If you submit a scanned PDF, it will extract its texts with OCR and includes it in the layout.

In case you are only interested in extracting the plain text, you can also use our PDF to Text converter.

Further services by Converter App

Moreover, with our online converter, not only can you turn your PDF to Word for free, but also to Excel or PowerPoint.

For confidential and security purposes, our converter has PDF Password Encryption. That is, you can lock the file with a password, and only those to whom you reveal it will be able to open it.

Additionally, If you are having problems with converting units from one measurement to another, our Converter app has excel converters that help you convert pounds to kilograms, feet to centimeters, etc.

PDF to Word Converter App Quality Rating

Rated 4.8 / 5 based on 344 reviews

You can submit a review after converting a file.