How to convert MP4 to WebM:

  • Step 1: Upload the MP4 video you want to convert to WebM. You can also click on the box to submit a file.
  • Step 2: Wait a moment until the conversion to WebM has completed
  • Step 3: Click the download button get your WebM video file for free

MP4 2 WebM


Convert MP4 to WebP

Our free video converter allows you to convert any MP4 video to WebM instantly by uploading it above.

Optimize your Videos for the Web

Our video converter app helps you convert your MP4 videos to WebM which is an open-source video format optimized for the web.

Unlimited free conversions

We are the ultimate free solution for performing video conversion online. Yes, it is 100% free—no hidden charges. No software download required.

MP4 vs WebP

The WebM format is specially designed for the web and optimized for files that are embedded in web pages. It uses P8 video compression and Ogg Vorbis compression for audio files. On the other hand, MP4 is a general-purpose video format for all kinds of applications. It uses MP4 compression. In terms of file size and image quality, both formats are comparable.

Why should I choose Converter App to convert MP4 to WebM?

Converter App offers more than 10 years of experience in video and file conversion and will get the job done for you in record time. Therefore, we are sure that we will complete the task to your satisfaction.

Privacy Protection

Your privacy is important for us. All files are removed from our servers immediately after the document conversation is complete, and no one will ever look at your documents either.

MP4 to WEBM converter quality rating

+ + + + + 4.9 / 5   (based on  279  reviews )

You can submit your review after uploading and editing at least one file!