WAV to MP3 Converter

  • Step 1: Select the WAV file you want to convert to MP3 and upload it here.
  • Step 2: The conversion process starts automatically after submitting your file.
  • Step 3: Wait until everything is complete and download the freshly created MP3 file.

You can upload up to 20 files simultaneously.

  • settings
    Expert Settings: Customize options
  • WAV 2 MP3


    The WAV Format

    The Waveform Audio File Format (file extension: WAV) is an invention by Microsoft and IBM for storing an audio bitstream on computers. Its initial release was back in 1991. For encoding audio data, the WAV format uses bitstream encoding with linear pulse-code modulation (LPCM). This approach guarantees excellent audio quality. The Windows Media Player natively supports files in the WAV file format, among other file types.

    The MP3 Format

    MP3 is the abbreviation for MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 and belongs to the family of Motion Picture Expert Group (MPEG) formats. When creating an MP3, the encoder applies a lossy compression that significantly reduces its file size. When converting your audio stream, our tool always chooses an ideal sample rate concerning the output file size and quality.

    Unlimited free conversions

    This app is a completely free online tool that allows you to convert between the two most common audio formats. No sign-up is required.

    MP3 conversion reduces file size

    Save disk space by converting your favorite audio files to MP3. Due to the advanced MPEG compression of this audio format, you can reduce the file size of any audio stream by up to 90%.

    Convert between WAV and MP3

    Our free audio converter is available online without downloading and installing third-party software. The conversion process usually takes less than 30 seconds, depending on the size of the original data you submit.

    Privacy Protection

    Your privacy is important to us. It is part of our service to remove all files from our servers immediately after the audio conversion is complete. No one will ever look at your files.

    What is the difference between WAV and MP3?

    WAV and MP3 are two common audio file formats that differ in several ways. WAV files are uncompressed, meaning they retain all the original sound quality of the recording, but they also take up more storage space and bandwidth. MP3 files are compressed, meaning they reduce the file size by discarding some of the less audible sounds, but they also lose some of the sound quality in the process. WAV files are more suitable for professional audio editing and high-fidelity playback, while MP3 files are more convenient for online streaming and personal use.

    Why is it a good idea to convert WAV files to MP3?

    One reason to convert WAV files to MP3 is to save storage space. WAV files are uncompressed and take up more space than MP3 files, which are compressed and have a smaller file size. Another reason to convert WAV files to MP3 is to improve compatibility. MP3 files are widely supported by various devices and platforms, while WAV files may not be compatible with some devices or applications. Therefore, converting WAV files to MP3 can be a good idea for saving space and ensuring compatibility. Also see our generic MP3 Converter...

    How does MP3 audio compression work?

    MP3 audio compression is a technique that reduces the size of digital audio files by removing some of the data that is not essential for human hearing. MP3 uses a psychoacoustic model that analyzes the frequency and loudness of the sound and discards the parts that are masked by other sounds or are too faint to be perceived. MP3 also divides the audio into small segments and applies different compression methods to each segment depending on its characteristics. MP3 compression can achieve a high reduction in file size with minimal loss of quality.

    Can I convert WAV to MP3 without quality loss?

    WAV and MP3 are two different audio formats that have different compression methods and quality levels. WAV is an uncompressed format that preserves the original sound quality, while MP3 is a compressed format that reduces the file size by discarding some audio data. Therefore, converting WAV to MP3 will always result in some quality loss, depending on the bitrate and encoding settings. However, this loss may not be noticeable to most listeners, especially if the MP3 file has a high bitrate (such as 320 kbps) and uses a good encoder (such as LAME). If you want to convert WAV to MP3 without quality loss, you will need to use a lossless format instead, such as FLAC or ALAC.

    WAV to MP3 conversion quality rating

    + + + + + 5 / 5   (based on  80  reviews )

    You can submit your review after converting at least one file!