GIF to PNG Converter

  • Step 1: Submit the GIF image you want to convert to our app.
  • Step 2: The conversion from GIF to PNG starts automatically and will complete shortly.
  • Step 3: You will be directed to the download page. Click the download button to get your PNG images.



Free GIF to JPG Image Converter

Our converter allows you to convert a GIF image into a JPG simply by submitting it.

About GIF images

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), is a bitmap image format which has a widespread usage on the internet due to its wide support and portability between applications and different platforms.

Free of any charges

You just found the perfect place to convert GIF into JPG for free. Our service is 100% free. No hidden charges.

High JPG Quality

When creating your JPG image we try to achieve an ideal compromise with respect to JPG image compression.

Member of Converter App

This service is a proud member of Converter App, a unique collection of file and image conversion services.

Privacy Protection

We respect your privacy. Your files will be deleted from our servers after the conversion immediately. We will not share them or even just look at them.

How our GIF to PNG converter works:

GIF images can be both, animated and static. This converter works for both types of GIFs. In case you upload a static GIF, it will be converted into a single PNG. If you upload an animated GIF all frames will be to JPG images and the result is a ZIP file containing all these images. Depending on the framerate of your GIF there can be a lot of single images.

Why convert GIF to PNG?

The PNG format is more modern than GIF which was introduced already introduced in the late 1980ies. It supports a greater color depth and advanced transparency layers and alpha channels. The main disadvantage of PNG is that it does not support animated images. In that case, GIF or also the WebP format is the better choice.