- Step 1: To get started with converting PDF to EPUB simply submit PDF file you want to convert to the uploader at the right. As soon as the upload is complete the conversion will start automatically.
- Step 2: Wait a moment while your EPUB output is created.
- Step 3: Click the download button to download the result for free.
The EPUB Format |
Name | Electronic publication (EPUB) |
Extensions | .cr2 |
MIME Type | application/epub+zip |
Description | EPUB currently is the most common eBook format and is supported by almost all eBook readers like the Amazon Kindle. EPUB is defined by an open, XML-based standard, that also supports multimedia enrichments like images or music. The initial release of the EPUB format was back in September 2007. |
Tools |
Why is it a good idea to convert PDF to EPUB?
The PDF format perfectly maintains the layout of any document and makes documents portable like that. On the other hand, EPUB is an XML-based reflowable file format, that dynamically adapts to the reading app and device. When displaying a PDF on an ebook reader like the Amazon kindle, the texts sometimes appear small due to the static layout. In such situations, converting the ebook into the EPUB format can significantly improve the readers' experience. The reflowable text always uses the available space in the best possible fashion, and the user can easily adpat the font size. This ebook converter helps you get the conversion from PDF to EPUB quickly and hassle-free.