WEBM to GIF Converter

  • Step 1: Select the WEBM video you want to change into a GIF animation and submit it to the upload box on the right.
  • Step 2: Stand by until the conversion to GIF has been completed.
  • Step 3: Click on the download button to save your GIF locally.

WebM 2 GIF


Convert WEBM to GIF

Transform WEBM to GIPHY animations using the Converter App. It is the most recommended online converter to use due to its quick turnaround time and user-friendliness. All this for free and in a way that's incredibly simple.

WEBM versus GIF

WEBM is an audiovisual media file format that was released 11 years ago by Google. WEBM's purpose is to offer an alternative utilization in the HTML5 video and audio elements. Its video stream consists of both VP8 video and Vorbis audio. Additionally, WEBM uses an open video compression for any HTML5 videos GIF, on the other hand is a bitmap image format developed by Compuserve. It supports up to 8 bits per pixel for each image thereby allowing a single image to reference its existing palette of 2 pixels to 256 pixels that support animated images. Moreover, GIF uses a lossless compression technique to include both images and texts.

Free of any charges

All you need to do is upload your WEBM file to transform it into a GIF animation, and once this is done you can download it for free.

Why convert to GIF

It is recommended to use a GIF when you need to save space on your website when you intend to have no audio component and desire to show off details and motion which static images are not able to. This is because GIF makes use of the Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless data compression to reduce file size. What really stands out is the easy-to-understand animation which requires no audio for easy comprehension.

Member of Converter App

This converter is part of the Converter App suite and guarantees an excellent user experience. It is fast and accurate in the conversion of files of different formats.

Privacy Protection

The privacy and security of your files are of high priority to us. We, therefore, have a system in place to automatically delete all files uploaded to our servers once the conversion is done.