• Step 1: Proceed with the converting process by clicking and dragging your file or by clicking on your file into the uploader on the right side.
  • Step 2: The conversion from AVI to MOV will begin immediately and take only a few seconds to complete the entire procedure.
  • Step 3: After the conversion has been completed successfully, the download button will appear. It's as simple as clicking on it to get your MOV document file.



The AVI Format

An AVI file, or Audio Video Interleave, is a multimedia container that was created and developed by Microsoft Corporation.

With the use of third-party programs, AVI files can support many things like captions, subtitles, chapters, streaming, menus, 3D containers, subtitles, chapters, streaming, menus, 3D containers, attachments, and more.

This AVI container contains both audio and video. The container has less compression ability than some other similar formats out there, but it is still supported by most DVD player devices. These multimedia players, however, must have AVI codec support to decode AVI data to be able to be used satisfactorily.

The MOV Video Format

A MOV is a video file format that is most commonly associated with QuickTime. The video extension for the MOV file format was developed by Apple. It uses an algorithm that's used to compress audio and video.

This proprietary of Apple runs on various operating systems like MAC and Windows. A MOV video can hold many different video formats, including multimedia, videos, and text within the same file. A MOV file is a very common video file type that is capable of storing a movie of the most widely used video file types.

It is saved in QuickTime File Format, a multimedia container developed yet again by Apple. editors usually save video as MOV file formats because they supported high-quality video output.