AVI to MP4
- Step 1: To get started with converting AVI to MP4 simply submit the AVI video you want to convert to the uploader at the right. As soon as the upload is complete the conversion will start automatically.
- Step 2: Lean back and relax while our app converts the AVI video into the MP4 format for you.
- Step 3: Once complete, you will see the download button. Click it, to obtain the MP4 video. For most videos, the whole process takes less than a minute.
Free AVI to MP4 Converter
Our service allows you to convert any AVI file to MP4 quickly and without software download by submitting it to this online converter. Like that, it helps you to make your AVI media compatible with the most common media players.
Why should I convert my AVI videos into the MP4 format?
The main reason for converting AVI videos into the MP4 format is that AVI files are huge and use a lot of disk space on your mobile phone or other devices. In contrast, the MP4 format uses advanced compression algorithms. Therefore, will significantly reduce the file size of your video. On the other hand, you hardly will notice a difference in quality since MP4 offers a great compromise between file size and video quality and can be considered the absolute industry standard. In brief: There is no reason for sticking to AVI since almost any video you see around the web is encoded in the MP4 format, and AVI can be considered a relict of the past.
Free of any charges
We are the ultimate solution for performing a free conversion of your AVI media to an MP4 format. Yes, it is 100% free—no hidden charges.
High MP4 Quality
Our online conversion software is efficient and will produce an MP4 video that is of high quality. However, note, that a completely lossless conversion between AVI and MP4 is not possible in most cases due to the different nature of the two video formats.
Member of Converter App
This service is a proud member of Converter App, a unique collection of data conversion services.
Privacy Protection
We respect your privacy and will not store your files on our servers longer than necessary. Your videos will be deleted automatically from our servers immediately after the conversion.
AVI to MP4 converter quality rating
4.8 / 5 (based on 206 reviews )