How to convert Decimal Numbers to the Hexadecimal System:
It is easy to convert a decimal number to a hex number in few simple steps. In the following tutorial we show how to convert the decimal number 462 into a hex value:
Step 1: Divide the given decimal number by 16 and note the value of the remainder and quotient.
$$462 = (28 \times 16) + 14$$
The remainder of the division is 14. The quotient of the division is 28.
Step 2: Convert the remainder from a decimal digit into a hex digit.
$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Hex code} & \text{A} & \text{B} & \text{C} & \text{D} & \text{E} & \text{F} \\ \hline \text{Remainder} & \text{10} & \text{11} & \text{12} & \text{13} & \text{14} & \text{15} \\ \hline \end{array} $$The mapping between the digit and the hex value is available in Table 1. It follows that the hex code of 14 is E.
This hexadecimal digit is the first digit of our hex number.
Step 3: Repeat the first and second steps on the quotient calculated in the previous step until you get a quotient less than 16.
$$28 = (1 \times 16) + 12$$
Decimal 12 = C in Hexadecimal
$$1 = (0 \times 16) + 1$$
Decimal 1 = 1 in Hexadecimal
Step 4: After completing the previous steps, we have three remainders.
The first remainder is the last (very right) digit of the hexadecimal number, and the last remainder is the most significant bit of our hex number.
From these remainders you can get the hexadecimal number:
$$ 462 \Rightarrow 1CE $$